Browsing the blog archives for April, 2009.

Hospital Visit

Jack's Journey

Today was a major shift for My Buddy Jack. We have now begun supporting families fighting childhood leukemia.  Today Jack visited Children’s Hospital to meet a girl that was diagnosed with leukemia three weeks ago.  Grace, a first grade girl from the school Pete works at, was diagnosed on April 1st with ALL.  Her family has been doing very well with this life changing news and diagnosis.  Grace is still in the hospital and will be for a few more weeks.  She had been growing her hair for the last few months to donate to Locks of Love.  The irony is, this amazing little girl wanted to donate her hair to those that are fighting cancer, and now she is having the same fight.  Kelly (Jack’s aunt), volunteered to join us in our visit to the hospital and became Grace’s hairdresser.  The pictures show Grace’s donation to Locks of Love.  During the haircut, Jack talked non-stop but was able to explain what a port is and how it works (the apparatus in his chest that allows for his chemo therapy to be injected).  Unfortunately we are becoming aware of more families fighting childhood leukemia, but as we set out to do…we are now supporting families in the fight.