Browsing the blog archives for January, 2009.

The Start of Maintenance

Jack's Journey

Today we took our regular trip into Boston for Jack’s treatment, but it was a little different this time. Today we began the LAST PHASE of his treatment, Maintenance. Although it’s the longest one (lasting approximately 3 years), it requires less frequent trips to the clinic and gives us a more routine protocol to follow. Basically it gives Jack’s body a chance to stabilize itself moreso than the other phases. Jack has been doing so well with all the treatment – now more than ever happy to discuss it all with anyone who will listen! Just ask him and he’ll give you an earfull!

We are very excited to be at this point, and will begin counting down the days until we can celebrate the END of chemotherapy and hopefully a cured son! Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers – they are doing their job and helping our little one (and us!) manage this whole situation.